Saturday, June 30, 2007

san leo

On Wednesday, we went to San Leo, a lovely drive through the gorgeous countryside about an hour and a half away from Urbino. Apart from having three churches in such a small place, it also has a gallery and a museum of sacred art. These are just a few of the photos I took, which really didn't do the place justice.

In the evening when we got back to Na & Mr M's place, I borrowed Na's bicycle and Paul gave me a bike lesson. It's going to take more than a few lessons to get me riding I think, balance has never come naturally to me. But I did get a few interesting coloured bruises on my butt cheeks and knees (no one warned me about the intimacy I'd have to have with the saddle) and I did have fun trying. I also amused the townspeople, many of whom were children and old ladies cycling by breezily while quietly chuckling away at my plight.


shadows and clouds said...

remember my mum's tips! eyes straight forward, don't look down! it's the wisdom of the mamma-na! you'll get there, for sure, and next time you come visit we can all go a bike ride together! by that time you'll have toughened up with the saddle too!

Lesley Todd said...

Heehee! Tell me about it! I've bought a nice comfy saddle that's filled with gel for my bike. Good luck with your riding endeavours!