Sunday, July 08, 2007

seven forgotten treasures

Isn't it funny how you can remember having something, are certain you still have it, and go looking for it, in all the places you're sure it has to be, the place you used to keep it, but don't remember the moment you decided to throw it out or give it away? I was sure I had a bunch of felt pieces. I went looking for them in all my boxes of stuff this afternoon. I wanted to do something with the buttons I got in Italy, but...I couldn't find the felt anywhere. Either I've used it all up, or I gave it away. I got the felt many years ago you see, at least 6 or 7 (yes, I do hoarde!), to make bean bag donkeys.

So anyway, in my search for the felt, I found some things I'd forgotten about that made me go...oh! I'd forgotten all about you! Things I've had for a few years and which made me smile.

1) A pen holder, bought in Thailand, which is now on my desk.

2) A fairy / witch I made out of fimo and glitter

3) A roll of black and white film (50 ISO) which expired over 4 years ago. I'm going to dust off my manual camera and use it anyway and see what comes out.

4) Some very small hardbacked notebooks which have actually been filled ~ these came from a wonderful shop called Neal Street East which is no longer there...they had a basement full of colourful cheap nick nacks from around the world where I could easily lose myself for hours!

5) A box of words...I remember cutting these words up for a writing group exercise at least 3 years ago now!!

6) A felt covered blank book from Paperchase which I never used. I'm determined to find a use for it now.

7) Some silk cast offs from a haberdashery in St Ives...such a gorgeous colour. Must find a use for this too!

So there you go...what small treasures have you forgotten about? Tell me about them!


shadows and clouds said...

oh gosh, neal street east! what a great place that was! i remember often popping there when work took me round the covent garden bit of london. then, a few years ago when i was back there with mr m. i popped by, but it was no more... how sad! did it move? or just vanish? i shall ponder the small treasure that i forgot about! i will probably find lots of them in august when i visit home in the uk, in my room in the attic at my mum's house!!!

Lesley Todd said...

I love your fairy/witch! What a great face! The expression is brilliant.

A couple of years ago I had a bit of an obsession with dough craft. I think I might dig some of my creations out. Maybe it will inspire me to do some more. Thanks!

megan said...

it was fun reading your post & traveling back through your memories with you...little objects hold entire scenes...thanks!

Lea Antonio said...

Your collection of found treasures is wonderful. I particularly like the way each item is presented and photographed... simultaneously fun and elegant!

Crafty Green Poet said...

Excellent post! I love your little witch!

Anonymous said...

What an inspiration! I have so many boxes stored in my foyer (an old Victorian house, all the first floor, is where I live), and I think making a list of the *buried treasure* is an excellent idea. I am torn between feeling stupid that I have so much *stuff* and wanting to enjoy the *stuff* because I loved it enough in the first place to have saved it. I'm closer to the latter than I used to be, and now even closer because of your inspiration! Thanks! I'll certainly post my results on my own blog!