Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Do you see it's faint double across the top? Now that was a sacred/mindful moment.

And here are some random things:

1) Lottie has taken to chewing my hair.

2) P's out tonight and I feel lonely.

3) I haven't seen my parents in nearly 3 years, and my brother for longer than that.

4) I started my morning writing sessions again today cos I missed it - the feel of my black ink pen across the page and the headspace I get from doing it which is very much like meditation.

5) I've been an avid, passionate reader since I was a child. But I've always found it hard to name a favourite writer, or a favourite book. But having recently discovered the quiet and beautiful genius of Alice Munro, I happily and heartily name her as my favourite writer. If you haven't read any of her stories yet, you MUST. Right now!!