Friday, July 28, 2006

countryside idyll, san marino di urbino

These are photos from a place we visited, friends of Nadia & Millo's are biodynamic farmers and live in a converted church in the countryside of san marino di urbino. There is a chapel connected to the house which is still a chapel, and when we visited was decked out with sunflowers and lavender.

What you don't see here are pictures of the evening we spent with them and their friends, sharing good food, and later on, playing music. First Nadia got out her recorder and started playing, then Rickard got out his violin, then Roberto got out his guitar and Millo played along on various drums and home made percussion instruments. They played gorgeous traditional European folk music for hours while the sun set and the stars came out. Beautiful!!

The bottom three photos are from a walk we took in the surrounding countryside.

1 comment:

shadows and clouds said...

i love your country friends in the top photo! your photos are great and really seem to portray the atmosphere of the place! thanks!