Friday, January 12, 2007

Caesar, grief and life

A week ago today, we lost our Caesar to kidney failure. It's been an emotional week, and continues to be emotional. Grief does strange and unexpected things to you.

Yesterday, Ellen left a comment on my other blog, sending her sympathy. She also said that Caesar was "probably lining up another kitty to send your way!"

A few hours later, I received an email via a friend of a friend of a friend who has two cats that need rehoming. A black and white female and a ginger tom. When I opened the photo of the black and white female (Lotty), I felt as if I'd been shocked with a cotton ball of lightning, it felt soft yet hard at the same time and I felt it in my entire body. Just take a look at the photos below. The top one is Caesar, the bottom one is Lotty. It felt like something momentous was happening, and the whole day I went around with a huge lump in my chest. When I talked to Paul though, he gently told me that he thought it would be too soon to take on two new cats, especially one that looked so much like Caesar. And he's probably right. But we're going to leave it to fate. If they still haven't found homes after we come back from our holiday in February, then we might just be meant to be in each other's lives after all.

1 comment:

changapeluda said...

OMG! It's the same mug!


minus a the big white beard but beards are so unbecoming on ladies, don't you think?